This site is dedicated to my Greco-Persian children Elena and George. As a Persian I have always had a special appreciation for antiquities and nations΄ right to their heritage in their own land. I also believe people must know the true facts before they can make a legitimate argument for the return of the Parthenon marbles. For this purpose I dedicated 3 years to research and finalize my book that I published and financed myself. Today I take great pleasure knowing that my book is being used in many schools to teach about the Parthenon Marbles and Lord Elgin.

After an overwhelming demand from teachers and schools from all over the world, and as my intention was never about profit I decided to make my book available free online.
I wish to thank my wife for the Greek translation and I would be very grateful to anyone who can help with translations into other languages. I also like to express my gratitude to the late Mr Jules Dassin, Mrs Eleni Korka, and Mr Nghia Pham.
I could never hide my love for Greeks and Greece, who have given so much to the world and to me personally a wonderful wife, daughter, son and livelihood.